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Age Smarter, Not Harder!

There are several factors when it comes to aging skin. Intrinsic (genetically programed) and extrinsic (environmental wear) that all contribute to those fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation (sometimes known as "sunspots") and loss of elasticity. Although intrinsic signs only make up about 10% of your aging skin (genetics, hormones, and a slower metabolism which leads to a slower skin cell turnover), extrinsic factors make up about 90%! What are those environmental things that can create so much damage to your skin?! Well, for one...climate. And yes, living in the Mile High City, the UV rays increase between 4 and 10 percent for every 1,000 feet above sea level. So at our level of 5,280 feet, we are receiving just over 25% more UV rays then those basking in the desert sun! So what does an increase exposure of UV rays mean to your skin? Sun spots, dehydration of the skin (which shows more fine lines and wrinkles), increased sensitivity, irritation and redness and let’s not forget that nasty little word... Skin cancer?!

Another factor...your day to day lifestyle. Diet, medications, smoking all increase "reactive oxygen species" (or otherwise known as "free radicals") that attack and damage your skin's tissues. Free radicals... yes, those little unstable molecules...attack important structures in your skin (DNA, protein, cells, collagen, etc.) and although we are normally exposed to around 20,000 of these little buggah's, our body fights them off from the nutrition in our diet. Maybe think twice before hitting up that quarter pounder with cheese at the drive thru once a week.

However, your diet isn't the only thing that fights off these thieving free radicals. Enter in... Antioxidants! Ah ha! Maybe now you're understanding why green and white tea is such a hype! One of the most powerful antioxidants is vitamin C and is one of the BEST things for your skin! It's not only an antioxidant for your skin, but boost your immune system, fights against inflammation and infections and increases the protein building within certain cells (eh hmm... can we all sing out loud... "Collagen")! So basically, a healthier lifestyle = less free radicals.

Ok, so let's discuss the other biochemical reaction that affects your skin. Matrix metalloproteinases, otherwise known as MMPs. These enzymes breakdown your skin's dermal support structure and yes, those UV rays activate and increase these enzyme's activity as well. So what does this big fancy word mean to you?! Imagine with me, that your skin is like a big bowl of noodles and alfredo sauce. Once the dinner meal is left out for a while those noodles become stiff and the sauce, well... clumpy and saggy. Basically, it degrades the collagen (the stuff that keeps your skin nice and tight) and inhibits new collagen from being created, ergo… causes fine lines, folds, wrinkles and saggy skin. How do you combat these MMP's from wreaking havoc to your precious face?! Peptides and vitamin A (also known as Retinoid...but we'll cover more on that on another blog). Peptides are amino acids that make up the protein in your skin; granted there are several very long, scientific words to cover some of the best ones, I'll save you the struggle in pronouncing them. The point is, they trigger your collagen production and voila, your skin appears more supple, firmer and smoother!

Still intrigued? I have one more very important factor to introduce you to. It's called “Advanced Glycation End Products”, but again to keep it simple, we'll refer to it as "AGEs". So what is it? A toxic by product caused from reactions created between sugar and proteins (let's talk diet one more time). Collagen and elastin create protein, however glucose mixed with protein creates a hardening effect. Basically, the more glucose (sugar) in your diet the more opportune those sugar molecules have to bind with the protein in your skin. It's like taking hot milk (protein) and mixing sugar (glucose) into it. What does that create?? A caramelization effect... or CARMEL! Hard, thick, sticky (yes delicious too) but not what you want your skin to feel like! These little glucose molecules search and seek out protein, latch on and create a hardening effect to the skin. Your best bet, try to cut back on your sugar intake and use skin care products that have peptides. (which help bind the sugar; trap it so it doesn't attack your precious protein)

One of my favorite skin care products that ALL contribute to help fight against, repair and build healthy skin is the Age Smart line from Dermalogica. Loaded with peptides, white tea, vitamin A,C, B and E, rosehip seed and rose oils, red seaweed, caffeine and shea butter to name a few… all help contribute to fight and reverse the signs of aging, empower your skin with a more radiant glow and strengthen and increase your collagen production! And that my friends, is how you age smarter...not harder!

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